Every person reading this right now already knows how much of a Kehlani Stan I am. I literally got her tsunami logo tatted on me back in like 2015 - I am so excited about this new album because we have been waiting so long to listen! Blue Water Road is Kehlani's follow up to her 2020 hit album It Was Good Until It Wasn't.
This album was initially expected out quite a while ago and but got pushed back and honestly it was probably for the best. There's songs on here that were not on the original version so maybe everything really does happen for a reason!
Blue Water Road is definitely one of Kehlani's best works of art, the 13 tracks are full of R&B classics. I this album doesn't get a Grammy... then ya'll got me FUCKED UP. The features on the album include Blxst, Justin Bieber, Thundercat, Jessie Reyez, Syd, and Ambre!
On the Monday of the album release week (4/25) she released the first episode of the BLUEWATERROADTRIP! It's basically a short video coming out in parts of Kehlani speaking about the songs in the album and the people and things that mean most to her. The first episode is more about self love, and the second episode is about giving love. A fun fact she shared about her merchandise is that all the coordinates on all the merch are the locations from the road trip!
Check it out for yourself below and let us know what song is your favorite?! Mine I think is "wish i never" which samples Slick Rick's "Children's Story" - this is the song of the summer for sure!:
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